Friday, May 26, 2006

TCC Sucked

Went to Clarke Quay's TCC on a lovely Saturday night..

But service there sucked BIG TIME. Really BIG!!! You know it's big when i say it's BIG.....

Me(to waiter): Can you get us two more chairs?
Waiter: No i cannot do that mdm.
Me(??? wth): And why not?
Waiter: As you can see mdm, the whole place is full. We have a full house tonight.
Me: Ok, i can see that, but there are some people who put their bags on the chairs over there.
Waiter: There is nothing i can do mdm.
Me(fuming): But your waiter took away my chairs just now when i wasn't looking.
Waiter: Ok, but there are no more chairs left now.
Me(!!!!!!): Ok, forget it.

And we all shared chairs. Imagine 2 people sharing 1 chair, multiply that by 3... Yes, that was how we were sitting!

Goodness, if it wasn't for the location, i wouldn't even have gone there! Piece of shit TCC!!!!


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