Friday, May 19, 2006

My 5 Minutes of Frustration

I am damn bloody stressed up right now.

Last minute work. The deadline is drawing near - anytime between 29 May to 2 June. Goodness!

Didn't go school today cos i just didn't feel like putting myself through the stress everyday at school. The stress of not being able to churn out something which is termed as productive.

My project supervisor is giving me stress!

Mich said she walked in 3 times today. That's a record. Lucky i wasn't there.

Otherwise.. DIE.

So i didn't wanna take a MC at first. Ran out of stuff to tell the doc, and well..ran out of docs to tell stuff too anyway.

Works both ways.

So i took an MC nonetheless. All because she walked in the lab 3 times today while i wasn't around. When the other 2 guys came back from their ultra long smoking break, she lectured and lectured them..

She just goes on and on..


I wonder why she doesn't get tired of shouting and screaming at the top of her voice when clearly we are sitting there, right beside where she is standing at.

We keep poking fun at her - me and Mich.

My supervisor wears ultra high platforms to work everyday. She IS short, and there is no denial of that. But how can anyone walk in those things?! Geez!

And she screams(!!!) when she talks, as if to make herself look bigger, mightier, and perhaps loftier.

So we concluded - she has an inferiorty complex.


Enough about her. Spoils my blog. Gonna end soon already, so i'm thanking my stars.. No, i should thank God. Yes, that's right.

I'll post again soon.

Back to my work now..........


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