Tuesday, May 23, 2006


This is a very pointless entry.

I have 508 minutes of overtime to do.

Sounds even wierd-er when i tell you that i'm doing overtime for my final year project.


It's a torture, but i've gotta make up for the days that i'm late and the days where i skipped school without an MC.

Mich decided to do OT today, and i wouldn't be doing OT if it wasn't for her accompanying me. Thanks!

"Your final year project is as though you are working you know. You cannot come and go as you please!" rattles my supervisor.

Yah yah. Okay. I've got 9 days left to do overtime.

508 / 9 = 1 hr of OT everyday.

You think i'm mad ah? Do OT everyday?! You must be kidding!

Yes, this is a very pointless entry.


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