Sunday, March 14, 2004

my shopping extravaganza

do you know what the biggest problem there is with me? i can't seem to stop shopping. small items; big items. cheap bargains; expensive splurges. i can't stop buying stuff!

i went shopping yesterday(in fact i think i've been shopping the whole week considering my buys online) and bought a chi-chi lunchbox-looking bag(erm actually it was a wooden box) from inspira fashion. :) a tad heavy for a bag, but it was so out-of-the-world that i HAD to buy it!

got cheated by justin again to pay for the tickets for the movie. ergh. why is it always me who's paying for movies and food?!? (he was supposed to "bring" me to watch a movie yesterday) so what does he pay for? NOTHING. yes, f*ck*ng nothing. no flowers, no presents, no cards. and he still owes me my birthday present, christmas present, valentine's day present...

i swear i will not break off with him until i get what i am entitled to. vicious women of the world unite!


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