Sunday, March 07, 2004

on the road to freedom perhaps?

bugged justin to wake up early to bring me eat killiney kopitiam's kaya toasts. i don't know how anyone can sleep like..forever. is there a direct link (no offence to those who think i'm directly hitting it at you) between fat people and sleeping? something to ponder about.

breakfast was delicious. :) hot kaya 'buarred' onto toasted bread with a slap of butter on top. heavenly!! i ended up buying one jar of kaya home, so that my whole family can be converts too. hehe...

how can you kiss someone, then the next minute say into her face "dear do you still love me? i think you don't love me anymore"? it hurts. i cried after i shooed him home. i'm beginning to re-assess my relationship. maybe it just isn't a good idea to be with somebody so insecure, and so willing to give in? i don't like dominating the relationship. i want to be the 'xiao nu ren'!


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