Sunday, October 10, 2004

whatlah whatlah?!?

aiyah. damn fed up with myself. why can't i get things right?!

does everything have to be wrong for me all the time?

-__-" me lah. it's just me.


ignoring my distress... anyone in the mood for some arty farty?

Hubbies4Hire, 21st - 31st Oct:

call/msg/email/pm/whatever me if you wanna watch. i'm looking for kakis. my gfs are boring people who don't support the local arts scene. so yeah... it's just me and me and me...

die. suddenly i feel that i'm all alone. =(


oh yah. did i mention that i didn't play mahjong just now? played blackjack instead! hahaha.

and i lost $2.

should i be happy or sad? my dearies, i'm discombobulated. i really am. =/ SOMEBODY SAVE ME FROM THIS SELF INFLICTED MISERY!!!


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