Wednesday, May 05, 2004

money drives the poor soul

another tiring day. but for the money, it's all worth it! :) WAIT FOR ME, BALI!

had exam this morning. ahh, sucky. then at 4.37pm, i received a call from sherry, asking me if i wanted to work at 6pm. haha. very good, last minute then tell me got job. i had to arrive at one fullerton by 5.30pm, so i rushed my way through. i even did my make up in the train. and boy was everyone giving me wierd looks. -_-

anyway, some eye candy for you guys, here's a sucky pic of me, and my colleagues. got more if you want. just ask!

today's blog is really all about websites, isn't it? hmm. here's something i found after typing my name in the yahoo search engine. (it's a very very very old pic!)