Monday, September 12, 2005

Jewel My Love

Brought Jewel to the vet today.

This is what the doc said:

  1. Ear infection

  2. Dry eye problem

  3. Skin irritation

  4. Lump that might be cancerous

  5. Do a vaccination

  6. Get her sterilised

  7. Her teeth needs to be cleaned

So this is what he did:

  1. Flush the stuff in her ear out

  2. Vaccinated her for distemper and leptospira canicola(??)

  3. Gave antibiotics, shampoo and eye drops

And this is what i have to do:

  1. Ask mummy for money to get her blood test done

  2. Ask mummy for money to get her sterilised

  3. Get her vaccinated in case she gets worms(??)

  4. Get a booster jab done in a month's time

  5. Bring her to get her teeth cleaned the next time round

I'm sad and troubled cos i've got no money to pay for my dog's bills. And yes, i'm $140 poorer today.

Can someone offer me a job? Please?


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